Do you have polybutylene (Quest) piping in your home? You’re probably going to want to fix that.
From 1978-1995 those now-infamous gray pipes were installed in millions of homes. Long story short, they were recalled in 1995. There was a $1 billion class action lawsuit in the 1990s. If you didn’t participate in that lawsuit, then you’re stuck with the cost of replacing it.
We will cede that most Quest pipe holds water without leaks for years or even decades…but it’s been decades. Pretty much all quest pipe tends to fail EVENTUALLY, caused by two factors: chlorinated water (i.e. city water) and heat (from hot water).
Depending on your budget, our plumbers can replace all or some of your Quest piping so you can rest easier. We can also just fix the leaks as they pop up.
Call us today to see what we can do for you.